Pathological Demand Avoidance. Avoidance is the default.
My son avoids the everyday by:
- ignoring me
- talking about his game
talk about socks, he'll talk about game weapons, back and forth, back
and forth)
- saying 'wait', 'in a minute', 'I can't', 'I'm too tired', 'go away, go away, go away'
- pretending to be a rock, so he can't move, or a soldier
- arguing about why he doesn't need to, shouldn't bother
- negotiating if he gets something he'll do it, or promising if he just does something else first, but even if he gets his way, he never does the original thing
- making loud vocal noises, squeaking,
- walking away, going to another room, going to his bed, hiding
- going as if to do it, but ending up somewhere else doing something else
- screaming
- meltdown