What home schooling looks like in our house. Don't Replicate School People often ask how do I manage to home school? Does it take up a lot of time? What curriculum do I use? Am I qualified as a teacher? I imagine I thought the same things before I started. That there was only one way to do it, and that was to copy a classroom and try to be like a school. Except we weren't home schooling for religious reasons, or location reasons. We were homeschooling because school didn't work for my son. So why would anyone think replicating a classroom would work? When my son was first out of school, I made efforts at timetabling the mornings for learning, and buying books, and using online lessons. The meltdowns I thought were caused by school continued at home. But once I understood PDA was the challenge, I changed my approach and gradually things started to work and the meltdowns stopped. Priorities Remember education is broader than academic lea...
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